Jennifer LaDuke - Convergence Mediation

Do you have a conflict in your life?

Jennifer LaDukeAs a mediator I can make conflict less expensive, more manageable, less stressful, and easier to solve.

Other than hermits, most of us experience conflict in our daily lives. Thankfully many conflicts are minor, but sometimes we are faced with disagreements where an outside party's involvement would help.

When faced with a dispute, particularly in a business relationship, litigation is often the chosen path. While going to court is a valid way to address a dispute, it won't necessarily fix the underlying issues. Litigation can be very stressful, very costly (especially in the era of e-Discovery), consume a lot of time and energy, drag on for months or years, and have a limited and unpredictable outcome decided on by a judge or jury.

How can Convergence Mediation help you?

  • A chance to tell your side of the story - When you mediate you can discuss the issues involved with both an unbiased listener and the party on the other side. You don't have to sit in a courtroom while an attorney argues your case. Your voice gets heard in a private setting.
  • Privacy - Mediation is protected by confidentiality, so what you say in the mediation stays in the mediation.
  • Save both time and money - Most of us have better uses for our resources than litigation. The faster a situation is resolved, the faster you can start moving on with your life. I will work with your schedule and can come to you, rather than you going to a designated court on the court's schedule.
  • Freedom to choose your own outcome - Instead of being at the mercy of the courts, you can work with the mediator and the other side to figure out a solution. You can also get more creative than a typical legal judgment. You are not limited to statutory remedies.
  • Voluntary process - Both sides choose to be there and are free to leave if it is not working. As a mediator I am there to help you, not judge you. I don't take sides; I don't make a binding decision. I help guide the conversation in a productive way. You won't be stuck with a judgment.
  • Mutually beneficial solutions – The parties are not limited to a one winner and one loser solution. It is possible to come up with agreements that satisfy both persons.