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Thank You to the Members of the United States Military


Veterans' Day was originally called Armistice Day and commemorated the World War I cease fire agreement signed between Germany and the Allies in 1918.

As the daughter of a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the United States Army, I grew up with an appreciation for the military.  This year for Veterans' Day I want to make conflict resolution accessible for the men and women who have served in the past or are currently serving.  Military service requires many sacrifices and presents unique logistical challenges for service persons and their families.  Service persons deserve an affordable way to bring about an armistice in whatever conflict they are now facing.

In the spirit of Veterans' Day, from now until December 18, 2013, if at least one of the parties is a current or past member of the United States military, I will offer my mediation services at half price.  Whether you have an issue with your landlord, a tenant, a local business, or a customer of your business I want to help tackle the dispute.  

Thank you military service persons and veterans!